Sunday, May 30, 2010


It has been one month since I finished school and one year since I quit work. I had some weird notion that when I finished school that all of these job doors would be opened and I would have to fight off the offers. Well it`s been 30 days and I haven`t had to use my kung-foo moves to fight off employers yet, strange. Why is it that before I took my course the newspapers were full of ads for medical receptionists but now zip, zilch, zero! I must say I haven`t been pounding the pavement as much as I could be but I have been talking to people and sending emails and making phone calls. From what I`ve been hearing, it is definitely who you know when it comes to getting an interview which for me should be a good thing because I know a lot of people but so far nothing. I have one more week of EI left and then I will be at the mercy of Jamie for money, I don`t know if I can handle that, you know the whole mothers guilt thing, Jamie and I are a team and I need to help provide for our family and so on and so forth. He thinks I`m crazy and that I worry too much but that is just who I am. I`m making a plan for job hunting, this week I am going to make some resumes up, some for medical offices, some for regular offices and some for where ever, then next week I am going to hand them out to different places; and hope they don`t chuck them in the garbage while I`m standing there! I wish I had the confidence to walk into an office and just give them my resume and say `you will hire me because I am fantastic`and they would say `Mrs. Britton you rock, we will pay you $$$$$$$$$ and you can work Monday to Thursday 9am-2pm and you can have 6 weeks holidays per year and we love you`. That would be perfect! I live in such a fantasy world, must be all the books I read. Well tomorrow is another day so I must get my beauty sleep so I will be ready when `THE PERFECT`job presents itself! GOOD LUCK Mrs. Britton, please just call me Janice!

Monday, May 17, 2010


Do you ever feel like you are always waiting for something? Lately is seems as if I'm having a hard time living in the moment. I guess it's because I'm sort of at a crossroads in my life, you know the whole looking for a job thing. I feel guilty most days because I'm not doing anything really productive, besides the whole laundry thing, YUCK! I know I should be enjoying my time off and using it to do stuff that I really love doing but so far I haven't figured out what that is. For a lot of years I let my job define who I was. Who are you? Well I work for The Bay, I've been there for almost 14 years and it is great fun, I'm also a mom and a wife. Now when I think about who I am it seems there is a piece missing. Who are you? Well I ....................................and I'm also a wife and mom! I keep thinking that as soon as I get a job that little space will be filled and I will be defined again. People ask us what we are doing this summer and I always have to say "well it depends on my work schedule. I'm just WAITING to find out what it is going to be". I'm quite sure I need a job before I get a schedule but it has been a long time since I've actually had one, a job that is. I guess my real problem is I sits and thinks too much! Idle hands and all of that stuff. Thank goodness for my little rascals, they keep my mind busy when they are around and keep me definitely in the moment. I think I need a hobby other than reading and scrabble or maybe I just need to chill out and just have some more fun!! That's what my kids would say, have fun and don't worry about stuff you can't control! FUN, I can do that!

A Change is a Coming!

I`ve decided not to be only

Monday, May 10, 2010


I`m pudgy! There I said it, the elephant in the room is now being seen, no pun intended. Now that I have acknowledged it what am I going to do about it? Diet, exercise, blah, blah, blah! I get what I need to do but how do I do it in a fun not-boring way? Should I run or go to the gym or take a class or I just don`t know! I`m going to make a list of what I like and don`t like about working out.
LIKES: hmmmmmmmmmmmm.
DISLIKES: sweating, bouncing, getting winded, hurting, making a fool of myself, being alone, being with people, the dark, morning workouts, night workouts.
Ok well that narrows it down tO NOTHING! I don`t like working out at all and I really don`t like giving up chocolate but I also don`t like being pudgy, I refuse to say fat! I need to find something that I can trick myself into thinking is fun and exciting when in reality it is a workout! I have some thinking to do! Any ideas?

Sunday, May 2, 2010


A chore chart is something I never thought I needed for the kids but yesterday I actually tried to bribe Travis with $5 to clean his room and he turned me down! My kids have a horrible case of the, as the Bernstein Bears say, the gimmie, gimmies. Buy me this, buy me that, I want this, I want that, it`s horrible and embarrassing! So today I made up chore charts and already the beds are made and teeth are brushed! I`m not sure how long this enthusiasm will last but for this morning it is great! I`m not sure how much allowance to pay the little darlings, they have 7 chores plus a bonus spot to earn extra dollars! Is doing chores for an allowance bribery or is it teaching them to be responsible or is it teaching them work = pay? I guess it teaches them a little of all of that. I`m really hoping they will put their money away and save it for something really special but I have a feeling they will want to go shopping as soon as they get that money in their pocket, hmmmm I wonder who that sounds like? ME! Anyhow if today is any indication of what this chore chart is going to help than I don`t really care what they do with their money!! Maybe buy their wonderful mom some flowers? We`ll see.