Sunday, May 30, 2010


It has been one month since I finished school and one year since I quit work. I had some weird notion that when I finished school that all of these job doors would be opened and I would have to fight off the offers. Well it`s been 30 days and I haven`t had to use my kung-foo moves to fight off employers yet, strange. Why is it that before I took my course the newspapers were full of ads for medical receptionists but now zip, zilch, zero! I must say I haven`t been pounding the pavement as much as I could be but I have been talking to people and sending emails and making phone calls. From what I`ve been hearing, it is definitely who you know when it comes to getting an interview which for me should be a good thing because I know a lot of people but so far nothing. I have one more week of EI left and then I will be at the mercy of Jamie for money, I don`t know if I can handle that, you know the whole mothers guilt thing, Jamie and I are a team and I need to help provide for our family and so on and so forth. He thinks I`m crazy and that I worry too much but that is just who I am. I`m making a plan for job hunting, this week I am going to make some resumes up, some for medical offices, some for regular offices and some for where ever, then next week I am going to hand them out to different places; and hope they don`t chuck them in the garbage while I`m standing there! I wish I had the confidence to walk into an office and just give them my resume and say `you will hire me because I am fantastic`and they would say `Mrs. Britton you rock, we will pay you $$$$$$$$$ and you can work Monday to Thursday 9am-2pm and you can have 6 weeks holidays per year and we love you`. That would be perfect! I live in such a fantasy world, must be all the books I read. Well tomorrow is another day so I must get my beauty sleep so I will be ready when `THE PERFECT`job presents itself! GOOD LUCK Mrs. Britton, please just call me Janice!

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