Monday, May 10, 2010


I`m pudgy! There I said it, the elephant in the room is now being seen, no pun intended. Now that I have acknowledged it what am I going to do about it? Diet, exercise, blah, blah, blah! I get what I need to do but how do I do it in a fun not-boring way? Should I run or go to the gym or take a class or I just don`t know! I`m going to make a list of what I like and don`t like about working out.
LIKES: hmmmmmmmmmmmm.
DISLIKES: sweating, bouncing, getting winded, hurting, making a fool of myself, being alone, being with people, the dark, morning workouts, night workouts.
Ok well that narrows it down tO NOTHING! I don`t like working out at all and I really don`t like giving up chocolate but I also don`t like being pudgy, I refuse to say fat! I need to find something that I can trick myself into thinking is fun and exciting when in reality it is a workout! I have some thinking to do! Any ideas?


  1. I started bellydancing after I had Hudson and it was an awesome workout! I can't stand gyms and have never been one to jump on a treadmill and run. I loved bellydancing because not only was I exercising, but I was learning how to dance at the same time. And there were other women of all ages, shapes and sizes in the class as well. I've been thinking that it's time I start going again. I went to Get Bent in the Cannery and can't say enough good things about the classes and teachers. If you've ever wondered what it'd be like to bellydance you should do it!

  2. Bellydancing sounds fun!!

    For me, I really do like running. I always have but it is hard on the body now that I am older. My knees and ankles hurt after every run now and they didn't used to. For anyone interested in running (but sounds like maybe you aren't interested) I always recommend a running club like The Running Room. I have done many clinics with different run groups over the years and it is a fantastic way to meet people and stay motivated. But if you don't like running.....

    What about cycling (lots of nice trails where you live) or something like hot yoga?

    Find a friend to do your activity so you can motivate each other.

    I think you look great!!


  3. How about Pilates? It is a small group, no mirrors, no sweating. All core work, learning to control your body, and becoming aware of your weaknesses and strengths. If you have any questions let me know!! I have lots of other classes, as well as personal fitness training. Hope this helps!!


  4. Thank-you everyone for all of your comments! I`ve realized that I really haven`t tried very many different things. I`ve done step aerobics, running, swimming, walking, going to the gym, curves, and I guess that`s it. I think belly dancing and pilates sounds like fun. I have to remember that working out should be fun not something you find tiresome or boring. Tonight I went for a lovely uphill walk by myself and really enjoyed it. It was relaxing and felt good, except for when the dead bird fell in front of me and I had to make a decision whether to keep going or if it was a sign to head home and have some icecream, but I don`t know if I could do it every night. Variety is the spice of life, or something like that, so maybe I shouldn`t pigeon hole myself into one form of exercise! Ok I must be still high on endorphins or something because I`m really over thinking this exercise thing. I`m feeling good that I went for a walk today and we will see what tomorrow brings, one day at a time.
