Sunday, May 2, 2010


A chore chart is something I never thought I needed for the kids but yesterday I actually tried to bribe Travis with $5 to clean his room and he turned me down! My kids have a horrible case of the, as the Bernstein Bears say, the gimmie, gimmies. Buy me this, buy me that, I want this, I want that, it`s horrible and embarrassing! So today I made up chore charts and already the beds are made and teeth are brushed! I`m not sure how long this enthusiasm will last but for this morning it is great! I`m not sure how much allowance to pay the little darlings, they have 7 chores plus a bonus spot to earn extra dollars! Is doing chores for an allowance bribery or is it teaching them to be responsible or is it teaching them work = pay? I guess it teaches them a little of all of that. I`m really hoping they will put their money away and save it for something really special but I have a feeling they will want to go shopping as soon as they get that money in their pocket, hmmmm I wonder who that sounds like? ME! Anyhow if today is any indication of what this chore chart is going to help than I don`t really care what they do with their money!! Maybe buy their wonderful mom some flowers? We`ll see.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Janice,

    I don't know a lot about chores/allowances but one thing that I read somewhere is that if you give your kids money to do their chores that eventually, there could come a time when they realize that they don't really need the money or want the money, so they will just refuse to do chores. I think the article that I read was talking more about older children who just might not care as much about money, or, who may be old enough to make their own money (like babysitting) and will just say "no" to doing their chores because they know they can get their money elsewhere.

    I don't know what they easy solution is. If it is working for you now, go for it! I still haven't figured out a way to get my kids consistently doing chores either!

    Good luck!

